Yoga for Inguinal Hernia

What is Inguinal Hernia ?

Hernia is the bulging of an organ or tissue through another ( supporting ) organ or tissue. Generally it involves stomach or intestine.

Inguinal Hernia

Inguinal Hernia is the most common, accounting for over seventy percent of all hernias. It is twenty times more common in men than women. An Inguinal Hernia occurs in the abdomen near the groin area. They develop when fatty or intestinal tissues push through a weakness in the abdominal wall near the right or left inguinal canal. For males the Inguinal canals are the passages through which the spermatic cords pass.

In the above picture you can see the bulge at the Inguinal canal. This bulging causes discomfort or pain especially while bending forward or standing.

Discomfort and Hernial Pain Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Common Causes of Inguinal Hernia

Inguinal hernia which is caused due to muscle weakness or strain, could be due to the following reasons

  • An congenital condition during the baby’s development in the womb. So it is present from birth
  • Ageing
  • Obesity
  • Strenuous exercise or lifting heavy weights
  • Chronic Constipation can also lead to Hernia


Sharing with you some easy ways of healing the condition

  • Try to lose weight if you have obesity. Intermittent Fasting can really help.

Yoga For Hernia Video ( Hindi )
Yoga for Inguinal Hernia ( English )

3 Asanas for Healing Inguinal Hernia

  • Supta Pawanmuktasana
Supta Pawanmuktasana
Supta Pawanmuktasana for treating Inguinal Hernia

Lie down on the back. Hands by the sides.

Breath in and raise the right leg, now breath out and press the stomach as shown in the figure. Hold in this posture for some time as long as comfortable. You can hold the breath outside or breathe normally in the posture. Then breathing out place the leg down

Supta Pawanmuktasana
Asana for healing Inguinal Hernia

Repeat the above with the left leg

Supta Pawanmuktasana technique
Asana for Inguinal Hernia

Do the same with both legs together

  • Eka Pada Padottanasana
Eka Pada Padottanasana
Asana for healing Inguinal Hernia

Breathing in raise the right leg up. Breathing out place the leg down.

Asana for healing Inguinal Hernia
Eka Pada Padottanasana for healing Inguinal Hernia

Breathing in raise the left leg up. Breathing out place the leg down.

  • Vajrasana
Vajrasana for Healing Inguinal Hernia

This is Vajrasana, sit comfortably in this posture. Breathing will be normal

Diet for Healing Hernia

  • Light Vegeteranian Diet
  • Constipation can be cured by having a diet consisting of more vegetables and fruits.
  • Avoid fatty and junk foods that cause obesity
  • Avoid foods like maida ( white flour ) as they cause constipation

The above videos contain detailed instructions of the asanas and more. Feel free to contact me here if you want yogic treatment of the condition

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